Bookstores or Online shopping?

Online shopping or Bookstores? - Little talk - Book love - Bibliophile - Bookmarks and Popcorns

Recently, 2 of my friends saw my Amazon account and were surprised to see that I have only 3 reviews. And I was surprised that they found it unbelievable and I kinda know why. The thing is... I don't often buy books online. Why?

Well, my mum never liked the habit of buying or hoarding books. So, when I was in my fifth grade, my sister introduced me to a lending library near my house. But my library days would require its own post. So let's skip that for now.

During my college days though, I started saving. I would save a portion of my pocket money and buy a book from a little store near my college that sold second-hand books. My dad noticed this and took me to book fairs ever since. Even in book fairs, I chose to buy many second-hand books rather than a few new ones.

The first time I bought a book with the utmost satisfaction, was when I had a job and bought a brand new book from a bookstore near my house with the money I had earned. I have been buying books and stationery from that store ever since. And obviously, because I had fallen in love with the book store.

The point I am trying to make is, I love bookstores a 1000 times more than buying books online. I love going to the store, standing amongst a vast variety of books posing beautifully like a Runway Model, alluring like a Veela. I love finding a nice cozy seat in a corner of the bookstore, reading the blurb of the book at the back of its cover, reading the first two pages if I need more convincing or if I just can't wait to get started, or if I find the book unaffordable but would love to get a taste of it, meeting some rare sweet souls who would ask "Have you read this book? Is it good?", and ending up connecting with a stranger within 15 minutes like we have known each other for 15 years.

Bookstores are such a magical place that relieves my tension or stress and gives peace and a pleasant, blissful feel. Excluding for its offers, I would not prefer online stores over bookstores. For, bookstores are my Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

What about you? Do you prefer Bookstores or Online shopping?


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