At Doom's Altar

 Two demons, bound by love

As sweet as hatred’s hold

As passionate as flames,

As eternal as cold.

Their love, a force that even gods fear

Painful and powerful as a drop of tear.

In fierce, they entwine,

A bond inexplicably divine.

In shadows deep, they dance and play

A faith that never shall betray.

A choice that never shall falter,

An oath at doom’s altar.

Let the demons love and rive

For, in hell’s embrace, they shall revive

                                 - Sea Boy and Juniper

Poetry - Poem - At Doom's Alter - Bookmarks and Popcorns


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  1. Very nice poem, that says so much in so less words. I really loved the lines, "Their love, a force that even gods fear, Painful and powerful as a drop of tear."

    1. Thank you so much 🥹💖 Glad you liked it

  2. That's a profound way to see sweet as hatreds hold..intriguing yet possessive love. Certainly a poem that gets you thinking about relationships.

    1. Thank you 💖 I see that you have an eye for details ✨

  3. A beautifully scripted poem. So much has been expressed in so less words, it's just amazing. The poem resonates with anyone who reads it, as its emotion-filled words carry a deep meaning that has been carefully crafted over time.

  4. Wow these are powerful narratives
    Absolutely intrigued after reading them and look forward to reading more on your blog
    Thank you for sharing this

  5. Interesting poem. It looks so plain at first yet when you read it again and again, you'll understand the deeper meaning of it. It becomes so beautiful that you can interpret it in various ways, depending on what angle you look at it. Great work! - MommyWithAGoal

  6. This is a poem that gives us a new perspective everytime we read it. Every word holds different layers of meaning


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